Unfortunately, with the name change we will encounter a soft reset of our social identity. Put simply, you will not see much in terms of reviews for a while. We are reaching out to past customers to ask they resubmit their past reviews but this will take some time.
In the meantime, because we know how others view us is important to you, we took time to download the last few years of reviews. The same team which is here today generated these reviews through their collective customer service activities before our name change.
In the interest of FULL transparency/disclosure, due to legal boundaries we must be careful not to cross, we are not allowed to compete or link today's effort to our past business association identity. To meet our legal obligations in this, we did edit out the name of our past organization, replaced it with “this company” or similar. No other changes were made so, all of them, the bad, the good, and the ugly reviews remain…